set out : 4 minute track | heard once +4 times

seated with 2-3 other participants for this duration

grooves and moves from the pelvis upwards


photo 2

track by Paris Suit Yourself from the upcoming LP called chick planet massage

creative direction Luvinsky Atché

video observation and concept Anastasia Freygang

at Anatums Abode, Limehouse



Tea club – invited few people over for drinking tea singing informal jam and talking at Anatum’s Abode.

invited few people over for drinking tea singing informal jam and talking at Anatum’s Abode.
Tea club – Raimonda Vengryte, Geraldine McEwan, Lee Clayden, Ross Anderson, Superbat Wilford, Berglind Ágústsdóttir

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the boat and some parts ANATUMS FRIDAY – Radio_mix_kassette

field recording – we took a boat trip with captain Anastasia and Florence and Maxwell . i also meet a lovly dog. and we chilled with sounds..

field recording – Anatums friday
part of performances of following
Artist in Residence Vytautas Tinteri showcasing Video and Sound work
along a live Performance – created during his stay here at Anatums
part of sounds from video work Jan-mars Old Town dj. by Anastasia Freygang
Jade Wilford poetry performance
Maxwell Reynish playing drums

[mixcloud width=660 height=208 hide_cover=1 hide_tracklist=1]

my first week at Anatums Abode

silent party beauty flowers yummy food girl polkadots eyes laughter taxi farmers house rules good food sharing showering sleeping adventure wild hair horses boat trip dancing cold warm nature happy dog sharing showering caring home musik experiments

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Womanhood- London series at Anatum’s Abode – radio_mix_kassette

[mixcloud width=660 height=208 hide_cover=1 hide_tracklist=1]

Florence Uniacke hosts a series of readings about menstruation : that she records
and wants to record more with us.

Conny Prantera has recently launched her first MOON ROSE, a female only improv orchester and choir, an off spring of her and mark wagner’s mixed gender improv ritual occasion MOON RA

Anastasia Freygang – host of anatum´s abode and artist –

Berglind Ágústsdóttir-

Radio_mix_kassette  and

Podcast Radio Arrangement on a Sunday

sunday in my head is the crystaline and precise breakdown of an overall inquisitive exploration going on within many people around me. its about femalehood and,

in the context of your arrival at anatums it feels as if its the perfect timing to talk about the current moves and stretches of organised sisterhood with active figures coming round for a chat 

for sunday afternoon, in my head falls into place to invite the following two,

for an interview and discussion, a recording,

a live and on the spot contextualisation 

four female initiators are meeting over tea in an independent project space in london limehouse in 2015

in real sphere reality a fifth had joined : Phillida Cheetham, who links Florence and Anastasia,

herself an active initiator of group experiments

and Florence wrote :

female hood florence to anastasia

Florence Uniacke hosts a series of readings about menstruation : that she records
and wants to record more with us.

Conny Prantera has recently launched her first MOON ROSE, a female only improv orchester and choir,

an off spring of her and mark wagner’s mixed gender improv ritual occasion MOON RA
girls at home 2
how do these girls’ initiatives contribute to the formation of sisterhood, how club upkeep produces both seperatist’ and unifying sensations among both genders, how female only particularities are entering the mainstream knowledge and why there is a need for this, how the diy is enabling grassroot formations that help to explore and share knowledge, how these actions define our times
lovers industrialis
 > it happens that organised sisterhood is a tool of our time
and sunday is a day where four initiators within that come to anatums

our new resident berglind is currently doing online podcasts from here
the debate could be a nice first exploration  <

sunday’s exploration is online NOW

Crazy trashy London

An intensive music performance by Vytautas Tinteris is ready by friday and here is short trailer for that:

After exploring London and drifting around for two weeks, I realized that it’s crazy fast-paced environment makes people unaware of themselves and people around them. You become nameless and nobody really cares about you. I felt a bit like a ghost while shooting in different locations around London because everybody was afraid to look to each other.. even if I was openly holding a camera towards them, they would just ignore me. It seems that public space is just a way to get through from point A to point B.  Any kind of emotional life on the streets moved into slogans and logos above – shops named feelings, eternity, indulgence, joy, inspire, etc. Only south London seemed to be a little bit more alive and vibrant. Central London seems to be a place where only the ones who step indoors are welcome. I saw just lonely people walking outdoors. Though every place welcomes people who have money. Anyway, I am going to reflect my thoughts in spoken word performance on friday evening.



London psychogeography. My own trashy London.

London full of rubbishWalking meditations. Or just playful drifting around London urban areas.

People are walking in circles. They pretend that they know very well where they are going but they are still stuck in the same circle. Or triangle. Each one of us has their own everyday walking route – triangle. And everybody has a different image of London.  There are thousands different perceptions of what London looks like. How do we migrate in cities? Why do we choose to live in some particular areas? How do we explore cities? How we travel from point a to b? Is it just a programmed route based on your journey planner or we choose our journeys across the city according to the nicer surroundings? I’d like to emphasize on the way we move across the city and try to reveal complexity of London by travelling all around London and being different character. Being fresh local whenever you go. When people get used to the same route, they pay less attention for things around them. Everyday I am trying to taste their reality, their routine; follow their path and recognize people who also fall out of framed routine.

Notting hill. A guy on the bridge  asks people for a cigarette. He is way too impatient and just distracts people passing by. I wonder whether he is so desperate about smoking or it’s just his character. He approaches me and starts telling a sad long story about how his wife left him because he has bi-polar syndrom; he says that he wants to make a dinner but doesnt know how to cook so he asks for my help. His flat is full of disabled-friendly devices due to his father illness but he is now in hospital. He tells me that the last guest at his house (before me) was a guy with a bag full of guns and drugs. Not a very promising welcoming. He gives me Quaran, we discuss about religion and agree on one thing – no one should ever look down to Jesus or Allah. If they get angry, they might destroy the world.

Brixton. 60+ years old lady with a girlish skirt holds two beer cans. She tells me about her son who kicked her out of her own apartment so she is staying now together with rasta drug dealer. Not that bad.

The city of London. Underground metro station. 50 bankers climb on the stairs. They all walk the same speed, it’s enough to slow down a little bit and you can feel their robotic movements  next to you. No one sees homeless guy with a blue cap. Their eye-level doesn’t reach such a low angle.

Everyone is so upset. Another homeless guy with colourful jacket just stands in one spot and stares at people. People just pass him by, no one ever looks to his lost eyes. An abyiss of street life. At least somebody could smile at him.

The only happy person I’ve seen that day was an old lady in 4 star hotel near hyde park. She was peacefully drinking tea with her friends and listening to live piano music. A little bit dull image but her eyes were truly celebrating life.

More observations on camera will be soon visible online.

NEW RESIDENCY : Vytautas Tinteris

The Film maker and Artist from Lithuania arrived at Anatum’s yesterday and will be working in the Emporium to share out his sound performance possibly titled : “Schizophrenia and 50 conflicting personalities inside of me” within the next two weeks. ATTENTION ! We might ask to contribute to his research by inviting you over during the development stage- dates and occasions will be announced here soon !


Previous experiments by Vytautas Tinteris include a documentary on a 24 hour self test on the grounds of a supermarket open 24/7 365days a year :
