I actually thought this would not happen and when it did I thought it would be more violent and the cops would be rude
But actually they were English politeness and said sorry and are you okay darling and so on. They also commented lot about how nice it all was.. I was in such a panic and forgot all I had to do in such circumstance but it seem to be okay
After packing my things and moving stuff around I started washing the dishes. Some people came not in uniform and some looked in my eyes in apologizing way while other look down like they were a shame
I mean someone washing dishes in their home while begin evicted is a statement.
then we moved all the stuff and it was weird this lovly space full of yellow suited men with walkie talkies and on the roof also, but Anastasia instructed us and we move important stuff and i saved the blue octopus
Actually I embraced it. Of course im only here as a guest but still I think a shift, a change, a movement is always to be embraced.
Im excited to see what adventures it will bring to Anastasia and Lee Fükke but of course I think the biggest lost is for community missing Anatums Abode as a place of creative exchange.
Me and Lee Clayden another residency artist were rescued my Amanda Mandala our next street neighbor who nurtures us and took us in.
And me and Amanda had amazing goddesses day and went on adventures together. we went to woman store and pampered our selfs and then we went to the oldest occult store in history 97 year old store and what are the odds they had a book launch party of icelandic magic book and we had cheese and whine and bought oracle cards. what a weird coincident and they loved it also that a icelandic girl was there. and we had nice talk with super english old wizards and witches
Today we are having a meeting and planning next moves. It was weird to walk passed Anatums today and seeing it all barricaded.
I want to say special thanks Anastasia and Lee for inviting me to stay in Anatums.
Its been interesting diverse experience on many levels.
I made lot of work and more jet to come in form of radio. We shared amazing talks and hugs and communication and I feel we are friends for days to come.
I wish them all the best on there next moves in the world.