i have been staying at anatumes for 3 weeks now in residency. i came here with the idea of listening. i missed understanding everyone around me living in berlin were i still don’t speak german. it was challenging for me to live here, london felt rough for me with all its load sound on a busy street and not really lot of privacy living in community as im used to living alone but it was also healing inviting loving welcoming and challenging me to be better in communicating listening understanding my needs and needs of others finding the balance in-between and i honestly can say it grow me as a person. we also had amazing times and i made amazing friendships that will sail with me forward. and stay with me a long time. i even meet dragon sister and 2 balancing libras that give me lot to reflect on. when we are to much alone we miss company and when we are surrounded by community we miss alone time its allways this search for balance.. it was interesting for me the dialogue i had with people, i recorded lot of radio and i feel more work will happen in retrospect once im home and can refleckt on all that i experienced. i felt privlidged to have taken this journey with anatums. and been part of that family.
for radio we made jam session, talked about woman hood, we did poetry show and i documented events and sound i found on the way. we sauna we bath and we eat and hug and talk and talk.
next sunday is my last sunday in anatums.
i wanna create a event around the thought of healing. i invited the people i had most time with here in london to share with us in forms of stories dancing music poetry silence humor and knowleged. streaching ore mind and bodys together. and hopefully we can leave our self-doubt behind and give love to one another.
i have been thinking a lot about healing. i been thinking of what pain can give me and what i can learn from it and how i can be better in soul and body. in the balance between.
were does it begin in body ore mind ore collectively and find this connection between in dialogue and learning
i have to work my body for it to heal i have to stretch my mind for it to rethink and learn new ways with healing. i find humor and taking one self not to serioulsy is also a big key. to laugh at one self. how do we live in community with others and how to we live with our self. when do we need silence to be alone to ground ourself and when do we need a loving touch, a friendly hug, a talk.. how to we work with our sexuality, healing the masculine the feminine the child in side. the list goes on. a endless task for us to figure out. some find routine, something quickly that works for them while other struggle for a long time. sometimes we just need to take a walk be with our self, while others may need heavy psychotherapy
for sunday i invite you on a short radio journey with us. to be with us in a warm space and friendly embrace. we can not solve all our problems on one afternoon but we can share and laugh and feel each other in poetry stories musik walking and talking and playing.
Berglind Ágústsdóttir
Mandala Amanda
Florence Uniacke
Geraldine McEwan
Anastasia Freygang
Lee Fukke
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy_IaEPZRdM&w=560&h=315]