Creation of the space

Creativity is a difficult thing to harness.






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Amongst meeting in preparation for the filming process,

and gathering of props,

I’ve decorated the space in a way which aids my personal creativity,

and am experimenting with ways in which to find the key to unlock the gate to creativity.


One of the methods I’m using is trying to paint every day… this is a relatively new thing for me

– I’ve never really been a painter.


It’s about pushing myself within limitations to create something within a realm I don’t necessarily have experience interacting with. Breaking yourself to the point of complete dissipation only to piece it all together again through creativity, an energy and connection to something beyond.

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John Cleese’s lecture on creativity raises an important point:

John+Cleese,+Monty+Python+Icon,+on+How+to+Be+Creative-SD.mp4 from Amazing Teacher on Vimeo.

I watched this today too: